School Allocations Grantham - Find a freedom of information request


This is a request for information as covered by the Freedom of Information Act.

1. With regards the recent school allocations in Grantham and its surrounding areas please can you tell me how many times Bluecoat Academy was listed as a first, second or third choice respectively.

2. Also the amount of times the Walton academy and Priory Ruskin Academy were listed as first, second or third choice.

This is for year 7 admissions 2021.


1. First: 24. Second: 14. Third: 13.


Ruskin - first: 285. Second: 234. Third: 98.

Walton - first: 191. Second 242. Third: 137.

Reference number
Date request received
08 April 2021
Date of decision
14 April 2021