Social Care Case Management - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding social care case management, joint funding agreements and deferred CHC Assessments.

1. Does your local authority use social care case management system(s)? If so, please list the name of the supplier(s).

2. What is the contract start date for your Social care management supplier?

3. What is the contract end date for your Social care management supplier? (dd/mm/yy)

4. What was the annual cost of your social care management supplier(s) for the financial year 19/20 (April 2019 - March 2020)?

5. Does your organisation use any other third-party systems or service providers to support your organisation with social care management or care assessments?

6. Does the social care team at the local authority have an agreement in place for funding joint packages of care including Section 117 Aftercare?

7. If Yes, please state which agreement below is in place for funding joint packages of care including Section 117 aftercare, as seen below

a. A 50:50 share of costs for all cases

b. A different share of costs e.g., 40:60, 30:70 (please state the share used)

c. A share of costs calculated on a case-by-case level using an algorithm

d. Other (please state)

8. How many people were covered by joint funded packages of care as of 1st March 2021?

9. What was the annual cost to the local authority for joint funded packages of care for the financial year 19/20 (April 2019-March 2020)?

10. How many deferred Care Act Assessments for CHC cases did the local authority have in its backlog as of the 1st September 2020?

11. How many deferred Care Act Assessments for CHC cases did the local authority have left to complete on the 1st March 2021?

Adult Social Care Children's Social Care
1. Servelec- Mosaic Servelec- Mosaic
2. Dec- 16 Dec- 16
3. Dec- 23 Dec- 23
4. £83,050 Annual Cost for Support and Maintenance Costs



Name of Provider Type of System/Service Contract Start Contract End Annual Cost for 19/20
Looking Local Online Financial Assessment 01/11/2020 31/10/2021 £24,390
PPL Online Marketplace & Personal Budget Manager 15/02/2020 30/03/2022 £40,000


6. Yes

7. a. Yes


9. £7,336,926.00 (For this year LCC do not have any information about MH costs as this was managed by Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust)

10. *None

11. *None *This doesn’t however confirm there were zero people awaiting a CHC assessment, but the CCG would hold that information.



Reference number
Date request received
19 March 2021
Date of decision
08 April 2021