Pothole Claims and Payments 2020 - Find a freedom of information request


Please would you let me know if you hold information of the following description:

1. Town/City with the largest number of potholes reported in 2020.

2. Town/City with the most money spend on repairing potholes in 2020. (If this is the same as 1. please let me know)

3. The number of claimants on Potholes in 2020.

4. The amount paid out to claimants in 2020 (please specify if this number is included in the quoted £2,733,755.38 spent on potholes included in my last FOI, reference number 979553.

If you do not hold such information I wish to have whatever you are able to provide me with, whether that be a copy of the information, an opportunity to inspect the record and/or a summary of the information.


1. Lincoln.

2. Lincoln.

3. 1417 claims received in the 2020 calendar year.

4. £234,431.17 paid out for the 1417 claims above.

But this can change as a large number of the claims remain open and no decision on liability has been made.

Reference number
Date request received
09 March 2021
Date of decision
30 March 2021