Funding from Sustrans or Sustrans Scotland - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to make an application under the Freedom of Information Act for the following information which I have broken down into a series of separate questions.

1. How much direct cash funding has your local authority received from Sustrans (and/or Sustrans Scotland) in the last three financial years? Please give a breakdown for each financial year up until April 6, 2021. Please state if Sustrans is managing funding from the national Government or a transport authority (or any other authority) over those three financial years (making clear whether that is separate to the 'direct cash funding' in the first part of the question).


2. a. How many staff have been 'seconded' to your local authority by Sustrans/Sustrans Scotland in the last three financial years? If possible, please state the length of those secondments, the days per working week and whether those secondments are continuing to this day.

b. Can you give the cost the council contributed to such secondments for each financial year. If that is shared with Sustrans can you let me know how much Sustrans contributed (again, for each financial year)?

c. Can you say what projects they have worked on for each financial year?


3. Have any Sustrans/Sustrans Scotland employees who were seconded to the council then been subsequently employed full time by your local authority in the last three financial years? How many for each financial year? If possible, can you say what role (if any) they have taken?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) can confirm that funding has come from Highways England via Sustrans and the total allocated to the Harlaxton Road project was £200k. This funding had to be committed by the end of March 2020, and fell within the Financial Year 2019/20.


2. a. No staff have been seconded to LCC by Sustrans.

b. No cost as there have been no seconded staff.

c. There has been no seconded staff.


3. There has been no seconded staff

Reference number
Date request received
05 March 2021
Date of decision
28 May 2021