Solicitors Regulation Authority - Find a freedom of information request


Can you please supply the information below.

1. Is Lincolnshire county council legal department a member of the SRA ?

2. Are council employees working for this department members of the SRA ?


1. Lincolnshire County Council's legal department operates as Legal Services Lincolnshire (LSL) but is not regulated by the SRA. It does appears in the SRA Register under SRA Number 64037 because there are SRA-regulated people who work within LSL

2. Solicitors who work within LSL are regulated by the SRA but Chartered Legal Executive lawyers are regulated by The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and barristers by the Bar Standards Board (BSB). Some employees within LSL are not regulated by either the SRA, the CILEx or the BSB.

Reference number
Date request received
02 March 2021
Date of decision
18 March 2021