Potholes Budget and Spending 2018 - 2020 - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to gain information under the freedom of information act on the following:

1) How many potholes were reported in 2018?

2) How many potholes were reported in 2019?

3) How many potholes were reported in 2020?

4) How many potholes were repaired in 2018?

5) How many potholes were repaired in 2019?

6) How many potholes were repaired in 2020?

7) How many pothole compensation claims were received in 2018?

8) How many pothole compensation claims were received in 2019?

9) How many pothole compensation claims were received in 2020?

10) How many pothole compensation claims were paid out in 2018?

11) How many pothole compensation claims were paid out in 2019?

12) How many pothole compensation claims were paid out in 2020?

13)How many pothole compensation claims were rejected in 2018?

14) How many pothole compensation claims were rejected in 2019?

15) How many pothole compensation claims were rejected in 2020?

16) How much did the council pay out for pothole inflicted compensation claims in 2018?

17) How much did the council pay out for pothole inflicted compensation claims in 2019?

18) How much did the council pay out for pothole inflicted compensation claims in 2020?

19) What was the budget for repairing potholes in 2018?

20) What was the budget for repairing potholes in 2019?

21) What was the budget for repairing potholes in 2020?

22) How much did the council spend on repairing potholes in 2018?

23) How much did the council spend on repairing potholes in 2019?

24) How much did the council spend on repairing potholes in 2020?

25) How many hours were spent on repairing potholes in 2018?

26) How many hours were spent on repairing potholes in 2019?

27) How many hours were spent on repairing potholes in 2020?


1. Approximately 26,014 (Year of the 'Beast from the East')

2. Approximately 11,220

3. Approximately 11,015 Please be aware that multiple enquiries could have been raised relating to the same pot hole and a number of pot holes may have been included within one pot hole enquiry.

4. Approximately 73,267 (Year of the 'Beast from the East')

5. Approximately 107,021

6. Approximately 130,393 Please also be aware during our old contract, there may have been a number of pot holes repaired for one pot hole related job recorded (e.g. until 31/03/2020) – Please see additional comments below *.










16. £102,141.32

17. £1,079,254.77

18. £679,199.16

19./20./21. Not Applicable - Please see comment below Lincolnshire County Council, as with all Local Authorities, operates and report based on financial years and not calendar years. As such, the information provided has been calculated to combine two financial years on a pro-rata basis. It is for this reason; we are unable to provide budgetary information based on a calendar year.

22. Approximately £3,201,227.61

23. Approximately £3,692,245.88

24. Approximately £2,733,755.38 - Please also see comment below as per 2020

*In April 2020, Lincolnshire County Council entered into a new Term Maintenance Contract and at this point the way in which the pothole data is measured, recorded, raised and reported changed significantly from the approach used in the previous contract. As such, a like for like comparison of cost per year, based on previous years, will no longer provide a fair reflection of the overall cost per year.

25. Approximately 24,422 hours

26. Approximately 35,674 hours

27. Approximately 43,465 hours

Reference number
Date request received
25 February 2021
Date of decision
12 March 2021