Services for Vulnerable Persons - Find a freedom of information request


1. Ex-Offenders, Re-settlement and Offender Management.

Please provide details of what provision is currently in place to support the re-settlement of offenders who have been or will shortly be released from prison.

Please include details of any providers delivering this service locally, how many clients (ex-offenders) are managed through this service per year, the annual value of the service, the scope of this service (i.e. specification), the expiry date of this service and your commissioning intentions for recommissioning this service. (In this area, significant cost avoidance can be achieved through the reduction in reoffending rates, through our effective re-settlement and mentoring programmes.)


2. Substance Misuse Outreach.

Please provide details of what provision is currently in place to identify hard-to-reach individuals who may require support for substance misuse (i.e. outreach).

Please include details of any providers delivering this service locally, the annual value of the service, the scope of this service (i.e. specification), the expiry date of this service and your commissioning intentions for recommissioning this service. If you're unable to provide this information because the 'outreach' element forms part of a larger substance misuse service, please provide what details you can in relation to that service instead. (In this area, we have significantly improved outcomes through the early identification of individuals previously unknown to the Drugs/Alcohol Teams.)


3. Mentoring for Adolescents, Children in Care and/or Children on the Edge of Care.

Please provide details of what mentoring provision is currently in place to support adolescents, looked after children and/or children on the edge of care.

Please include details of any providers delivering these services locally, how many children & young people are managed through these services per year, the annual value of these services, the scope of these services (i.e. specifications), the expiry date of these services and your commissioning intentions for recommissioning these services. (In this area, significant cost avoidance can be achieved through our intensive mentoring programmes in terms of improved contextual safeguarding, needing to bring fewer children coming into care, the reduction in the number of placement breakdowns and in the de-escalation of need.)


4. Mentoring for Individuals with Emotional, Health and Well-being Support Needs.

Please provide details of what provision is currently in place to mentor individuals with emotional, health and well-being support.

Please include details of any providers delivering these services locally, how many individuals are managed through these services per year, the annual value of these services, the scope of these services (i.e. specifications), the expiry date of these services and your commissioning intentions for recommissioning these services. (In this area, we have significantly improved outcomes through intensive work with individuals, peers and families to improve resilience, grow confidence levels and achieve behavioural change.)


1. Work with offenders is led by Lincolnshire Police, Lincolnshire Action Trust and the Probation service in Lincolnshire. The County Council only provides admin and premises support for the integrated offender management programme, any request for numbers should be directed to Lincolnshire Police.


2. Substance misuse services in Lincolnshire work with all those requiring help with drugs and or alcohol. Initiatives used within the service include employing workers from hard to reach groups, close working with partners including street outreach and HMP teams.

There is no dedicated outreach team within the substance misuse services although a worker is provided as part of the City Centre Interventions Team detailed below.

Provider – We Are With You.

Annual Value - £5,015,652.

Scope – Original tender specification attached.

Expiry date – 30 September 2023.

Commissioning intentions – retendering will take place for a new contract to start 1 October 2023, scope of that service will be determined during the pre-procurement phase of the commissioning cycle.

Other Services in Lincolnshire: Liaison and Diversion – working in custody suites and courts (Not substance misuse specific).

Commissioner - NHS England.

Budget unknown.

Holistic Health for the Homeless scheme – generic health and mental health outreach team offering GP and access to mental health services to street homeless in Lincoln (Not substance misuse specific).

Commissioner – CCG.

Budget unknown.

Street outreach team – Providing street outreach across the county (Not substance misuse specific).

Commissioner - Lincolnshire County Council.

Value – £245,172pa.

Commissioning intentions - Contract ends March 2021. Outreach services to be provided by district councils from 01 04 2021.

City Centre interventions team – Provides rapid response to substance misuse in Lincoln and includes a substance misuse worker employed by We Are With You.

Commissioner - City of Lincoln District Council. Budget unknown.


3. Positive Futures is a community sports programme that aims to help young people avoid involvement in offending behaviour, substance misuse and other risk taking behaviours through engagement in positive activities. The Positive Futures staffing model is funded from within core budgets. All staff are LCC employees located within the Future4ME service which is an on-going and integral part of the Children Services offer in Lincolnshire.

LCC's offer includes Sport and Activity Programme to enable young people to make positive use of their leisure time. The sessions are universally available to all young people aged 8-24 years in the focus areas. A programme of new sessions is developed and advertised locally approximately every 3threemonths usually January to March / April to July / September to December.

The offer also includes 121 Mentoring within the localities where Positive Futures currently deliver open access activity programmes. LCC can also provide 1:1 support where a young person would benefit from a planned support package to engage in positive activities. This will usually function as one element of the wider package of support offered through wider locality teams.

Between January 2019 and February 2020, 119 Individual Mentoring pieces of work were completed by Positive Futures.


4. Lincolnshire County Council does not deliver or commission a dedicated Mentoring Service for individuals with Emotional, Health and Well-being Support Needs.

However, there are services, delivered both in house and commissioned, where service users could receive mentoring as part of service delivery. As the mentoring element is not always written in the specification, or specific to any one service, LCC does not hold records of how many service users receive mentoring or what the cost would be.

Reference number
Date request received
11 February 2021
Date of decision
22 February 2021