Funding for St. Norbert's Primary School, Spalding - Find a freedom of information request


1.I am trying to discover the total amount of the annual Academy Trust Grant that St. Norbert's Primary School, Spalding, Lincs., receives (not sure if this from LCC or Secretary of State),

a.and also how much the LEA contribute to the school annually,

b.and who owns the school land and buildings?


As much detail as you can give me would be most appreciate


a. St Norbert's Catholic Voluntary school is an Academy, and receives its funding through its General Annual Grant directly from the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The delegated funding for delivering education is determined through Lincolnshire's schools funding formula, which is recouped from the Local Authority's Dedicated Schools Grant and paid to the Academy through its funding agreement by the ESFA. This amount for 2020/21 (academic year) is £814,765.


b. The Local Authority own part of the playing field and the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham own the buildings, playground, car park and part of the playing field.

Reference number
Date request received
04 February 2021
Date of decision
15 February 2021