Subject Access Request Team - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many requests were received between 01/04/2020 and 31/12/2020

2. How many Team members do you have that work on Subject Access Requests (SARS)

3. How many SARS are overdue? as at 31/12/2020


1. Lincolnshire County Council received a total of 279 contacts during the period 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020 and of these requests179 were eligible subject access requests.

2. There is a total of 7 Team members that work on Subject Access requests, however some of these team members are part time, or also work on other services being delivered, so the Full Time equivalent (FTE) working on SARS is 4.38 FTE

3. As at 31 December 2020 we had 6 live Subject Access Requests that were overdue (i.e. older than a calendar month)

Reference number
Date request received
03 February 2021
Date of decision
17 February 2021