Route of Louth Public Footpath 2 - Find a freedom of information request


1.Please can you provide the legal documents that changed the route of Louth Public Footpath 2, east of London Road running north south between Julian Bower and Hungry Spot, from its historic route, shown on the attached map in purple, to its current position shown by the thin black line.

I believe this would have taken place in 2004 when the field was divided into 2 land parcels.


2.As such I also require the legal paperwork and public notifications for the installation of the stile on the fence that was erected at this time in 2004. At the very least I require the official and exact LCC route of this path through this field, with no ambiguities above 1metre in location.


There are no legal orders to change the path as the Definitive Map is still the legal document defining this Public Right of Way. There are no records regarding erection of a fence line or stile as the customer suggests. The fence and stile shall have been installed by the landowner at the time. (Stiles and gates are the landowner's responsibility to install and maintain). I expect the position of the stile reflects the trodden path line that existed across the field at the time of the fence being erected. LCC have received no complaints over its position since, as it does not affect the route significantly.

Reference number
Date request received
20 January 2021
Date of decision
29 January 2021