Potholes 2020 - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many potholes were fixed in your area in 2020?


2. How many complaints did you receive relating to potholes in your area in 2020?


3. How many claims for compensation did you receive relating to potholes in your area in 2020?


4. How much compensation was given to those whose vehicles were damaged by potholes in your area in 2020? Additionally, if it's at all possible, I'd also be interested in the below data:


5. Were there any particular areas / roads that received the most pothole repairs?


6. Were there any particular areas / roads that receive the most pothole complaints?


I can confirm that I am just looking for the road/area with the highest number of potholes and complaints; I don't need to narrow it down to per square metre.


1. During 2020. Approximately 70,983 potholes were fixed within Lincolnshire. It should be noted that the approximation is due to the way in which Lincolnshire County Council recorded works completed prior to April 2020. Previously, a number of potholes could have been assigned to one job. Within our computerised database, we are unable to search for the number of potholes on one job. Since April 2020, each pothole job has been recorded separately to allow better data management and more accurate reporting.


2. During 2020, we received a total of 10,919 pothole related enquiries. It should be noted that this figure will include multiple enquiries for any given pothole e.g. where various different people have raised an enquiry about the same pothole, any given enquiry may cover more than one pothole e.g. one enquiry may have been raised for a number of potholes in one patch of road and not all pothole enquiries raised will have been classed as being a pothole by the investigating highways officer.


3. Total claims: 1491.


4. £218,617.63 cost to the council, this includes damages paid and LSL costs regardless of settled / repudiated.


5. I can confirm that during 2020 (1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020) the road section that received the most recorded pot hole enquiries was Holmes Road, Horsington (our ref 39U590/10) with 80 pot hole related enquiries and the road section with the most recorded pot hole related jobs against it was Grainsby Lane, Grainsby (our ref c617/20.1) with 164 pot hole related jobs.

Please keep in mind that multiple enquiries could have been raised relating to the same pot hole and a number of pot holes may have been included within one enquiry. Similarly, there may have been a number of pot holes repaired for one pot hole related job recorded.

Please note, the way in which this information has been obtained is by searching Lincolnshire County Council's Asset Management System database to find the number of recorded pot hole enquiries and jobs registered against each of Lincolnshire's carriageway sections. This has allowed us to provide both the road name and the actual area where most pot hole related enquiries and jobs were raised during the time frame and should best fit the information/data you have asked for.

Reference number
Date request received
19 January 2021
Date of decision
26 January 2021