Home Education and School Absence During Covid-19 - Find a freedom of information request


I am a member of the Government expert witness panel on Covid 19, in respect of home education. The data is required to complete research undertaken in respect of that position and I would be grateful if the data could be supplied as early as possible. If data is not available for 7th January 2021, please provide the nearest date to that and specify the date used:

1. How many children of compulsory education age were recorded as home educated in your local authority area as of Thursday 7th January 2021?


2. How many notices have been served by your authority on home educating parents, under the Education Act 1996 s437 (notice to satisfy) during the year to 7th January 2021?


3. How many School Attendance Orders (SAOs) have been served by your authority on home educating parents, during the year to 7th January 2021?


4. How many SAOs were revoked by the authority during the year to 7th January 2021?


5. How many SAOs were enforced by the authority during the year ending 7th January 2021?


6. How many of these enforcements were upheld by the Court in the year up to 7th January 2021?

a. How many complaints and/or letters of concern in respect of matters relating to home education, or the conduct of authority staff involved with home education, have been received by your local authority in the year up to 7th January 2021.


7. How many of these complaints were partially or fully upheld?




2. Information not held








6. None




Reference number
Date request received
07 January 2021
Date of decision
14 January 2021