Bridle Path Resurfacing North Hykeham - Find a freedom of information request


A bridle path is being resurfaced between Newark Road and Mill Lane in North Hykeham. I would be very grateful if you could inform me of all consultations made by planning officers with the public, and particularly horse riding groups and individuals, with regards to the suitability of the proposed surface for horse riders who use the bridleway.


South Hykeham Parish Council held an ambition to surface the bridleway in question for some time. A sizeable level of support from the local community existed for the project from a range of organisations and residents. As a result of this Lincolnshire County Council agreed to support the surfacing of the bridleway via the Access Lincoln project and under the provisions of Section 99 of the Highways Act 1980. The status of the bridleway has and will not change and it is available for use by all non-motorised users in a safe and responsible manner as previously.

The type of material used on the bridleway was considered the most appropriate in this location for the general usage of the bridleway and had already been used by the adjacent developers on sections of the bridleway. The British Horse Society were contacted prior to the works commencing but no comments were received on the type of material that should or should not be used. Adverts had been placed in the Witham Herald regarding the proposed improvement and discussed at South Hykeham Parish Council on several occasion.

Overall these works have been undertaken in the best interests of the wider local community following an approach from South Hykeham Parish Council and will provide more opportunities for active travel.

Reference number
Date request received
14 December 2020
Date of decision
14 January 2021