Emollient Product in Fire Investigations - Find a freedom of information request


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. Request:

1. Since 2015, how many fires were responded to by your FRS in which investigators established or believe that an emollient product was either a primary or contributory factor in the fire? Please break this down year by year. An emollient is a moisturising treatment applied to the skin, typically used to manage eczema or psoriasis. Such products include - but are not limited to - Diprobase, Zerobase, Cetraben, and E45 creams.


2. What is the total number of fatalities recorded by your FRS in the incidents referred to in question 1 since 2015? Please break this down year by year. I note in asking this question that statistics on the number of fatalities in emollient related fires may not be held by your FRS in each or all of the years since 2015. However, please provide the fullest data you hold.


3. Since 2015, how many controlled fire tests on emollient products, or the interaction of emollient products with other products, has your FRS carried out? By 'controlled fire test', I mean any exercise in which your FRS undertook to understand the flammability of emollient products or their interaction with other products.


4. For all of the controlled fire tests referred to in 3), please provide a copy of the report that ensued from each of those tests. I understand some details of those involved in the tests may need to be redacted under S40 of the act.






Reference number
Date request received
30 November 2020
Date of decision
07 December 2020