Renovation of County Hall and Orchard House, Lincoln - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding the current renovation work being undertaken on County Hall and Orchard House, Can you please supply me with the following information.

1. Scaffolding - County Hall and Orchard House:

a. The total cost to the council for the scaffolding of both buildings.

b. The total cost of insuring the scaffolding, and any other expenses.


2. Roofing - County Hall:

a. The total cost to the council for re-roofing County Hall.


3. Windows - Orchard House:

a. The total cost to the council for replacement windows at Orchard House.


4. When this work was sanctioned by the council and the department responsible.


5. When this work will be completed.



a. £237,200.00.

b. Included in response 1a above.



a. £110,600.



a. £328,300.


4. 30 September 2019 – Corporate Property (Capital R&M Budget).


5. 2 February 2021.

Reference number
Date request received
17 September 2020
Date of decision
16 October 2020