Computer Access of Unsuitable Material - Find a freedom of information request


Can this request please be broken down for the last three years (2017-2020):

Question 1 & Question 2 are for IMT and Question 3 is for Human Resources.

1. How many adult, inappropriate, or not safe for work, sites have been accessed using work computers?

2. How many such sites have been blocked by the authority's security processes?

3. How many staff members have faced disciplinary action for viewing such material on their work computers?


1. Lincolnshire County Council's manual security process blocks any attempt to access adult, inappropriate or not safe for work sites on work computers (figures below).


2. During 2017 and 2020 (to date) the number of sites blocked by a manual security process was 7502.
No records are held for automated blocking of websites by LCC's security appliances during this period. This is because access to automated reports is via a reporting portal which provides reports up to a maximum of three months old. Additionally reports provide information relating to total number of transactions blocked, rather than by the number of websites blocked. It may be helpful to know that during LCC's last reporting period 1 August 2020 to 31 August 2020 the total number of transactions blocked was 1510387, which consist of 1094081 threats blocked and 416306 policy violations blocked.



2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
Zero Zero Zero


Reference number
Date request received
19 August 2020
Date of decision
08 September 2020