Semi-independent Accommodation for Looked After Children 16+ - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you answer the following questions in regards to semi-independent accommodation for looked after children aged 16 plus.

1. Do you use a framework for your providers of semi-independent accommodation for looked after children (LAC) aged 16 plus?

a. If the answer to question 1 is yes, please let me know the name of the framework that you use.

b. Please let me know the date that it will be renewed.

c. Do you make use of spot purchases outside of this framework?


2. If you don't use a framework, do you instead have a preferred supplier list (PSL) of providers of semi-independent accommodation for LAC aged 16 plus?

a. If the answer to question 2 is yes, please let me know the date that this PSL will be renewed.

b. Do you make use of spot purchases outside of this PSL?


3. Who is the person within the council who would be in charge of the framework or PSL of providers of semi-independent accommodation for LAC aged 16 plus?


1. No.

a. N/A.

b. N/A.

c. N/A.


2. Lincolnshire County Council does not commission framework, but does have a PSL which is used in some situations.

a. The PSL is renewed annually.

b. No.


3. Andrew Morris – Corporate Parenting Manager.

Reference number
Date request received
10 September 2020
Date of decision
17 September 2020