Extension to Blue Badge Scheme - Find a freedom of information request


This request relates to the extension to Blue Badge scheme for people who have non-visible
disabilities that came into force in England in August 2019:

1. Since the scheme came into effect, how many applications for a Blue Badge have you had relating to:

a. Adults with a non-visible disability?

b. Children under 18 with a non-visible disability?

c. Adults with autism?

d. Children under 18 with autism?


2. Please break down each of the totals above by the number:

a. Granted.

b. Refused.


3. If possible within the time limits of the FOI request, please further break down each of the totals 'granted' above by:

a. The total number granted through the “without further assessment” route.

b. The total number granted through the “with further assessment” route.



a. 454

b. 357

c. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) does not hold this information.

d. LCC does not hold this information.



a. Adults – 269
Children - 261

b. Adults – 199
Children - 81



a. 42

b. 488

Reference number
Date request received
24 July 2020
Date of decision
14 August 2020