Fixed Period School Exclusions - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you state how many children within your authority were given a fixed period exclusion, and permanently excluded from school because of their involvement with a weapon of any description in the 2019/20 academic year?

2. Please could you provide me with a one line summary of each incident referred to in Question 1 detailing:

a. What the weapon was.

b. If it was used or whether it was brandished.

c. Who the victim was – pupil, teacher or member of the public.



2019/2020 Exclusions involving offensive weapons
Permanent Fixed Period
2 37


a. Please be advised that victim data is not available because the fixed period reporting method doesn't allow for this data to be recorded in the way specified in your request.

Weapon Description Used or Brandished Victim
Two Knives Possession N/A
Pen Knife Possession N/A

b. Please be advised that data marked 'N/A' is not available because the fixed period reporting method doesn't allow for this data to be recorded in the way specified in your request.

Weapon Description Used or Brandished Victim
Pen Knife N/A N/A
Multi-tool with sharp knife blade N/A N/A
Dangerous weapon N/A N/A
Blades N/A N/A
Offensive weapon N/A N/A
Metal bar N/A N/A
Knife N/A N/A
Knife N/A N/A
Unknown N/A N/A
Kitchen Knife N/A N/A
4 inch lock knife N/A N/A
Blade N/A N/A
Made a weapon using a ruler / equipment in school bag N/A N/A
Razor Blade N/A N/A
Plastic Knives N/A N/A
Plastic Knives N/A N/A
Prohibited item N/A N/A
Knife N/A N/A
Blade N/A N/A
Pen Knife N/A N/A
Knife, Screwdriver, syringe N/A N/A
Offensive weapon N/A N/A
Bladed Instrument N/A N/A
Weapon N/A N/A
Screwdriver N/A N/A
Blade in School N/A N/A
Aerosol and lighter N/A N/A
BB Gun N/A N/A
BB Gun N/A N/A
BB Gun N/A N/A
Knife N/A N/A
Knife N/A N/A
Table Knife N/A N/A
Scissors N/A N/A
Flare N/A N/A
Flare N/A N/A

c. This information is not available because the fixed period reporting method doesn't allow
for this data to be recorded in the way specified in your request.

Reference number
Date request received
09 September 2020
Date of decision
25 September 2020