Synergy System - Find a freedom of information request


Would you please let me know the responses to the following questions or provide a link to where the information is published?

1. What modules of the Synergy system has your Council procured?

2. Are you using a local or hosted (cloud) or mixed solution?

3. What is the annual fee for the system? (most recent known figure)

4. What was the initial fee paid for the software provider at the start of the contract (e.g. migration, project management etc. costs)?

5. What was the Local Authority’s cost for moving from CAPITA One to Synergy (LA’s cost for implementing the new system)?

6. How long did it take from awarding the contract to go live? If not yet live, please provide the estimated duration.

7. Would you be able to share the business case/procurement strategy that recommended re-rendering of the contract?

Otherwise, would you please let me know the key factors that informed the decision to retender?


1. School admissions, early years, free school meals and governor services & Children's Centres.

2. Hosted.

3. Synergy/Servelec (Montagu) Education Management system: £116,099.17. Early years and children's centre module: £41369.

4. Synergy/Servelec (Montagu) Education Management system: £355,760. Early years and children's centre module: £104346.

5. £55,404.67.

6. 5 months

7. Lincolnshire County Council used a bespoke system that was no longer supported so LCC re-tendered.

Reference number
Date request received
16 March 2020
Date of decision
07 April 2020