Local Authority Owned Farms - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please advise if your local authority owns any farms. If so please advise:


2. How many farms you own and the total number of acres.


3. The net income or net cost to your local authority of these farms for the financial year 2018/19.


4. Have you sold any farms in the last five years?

a. If so how many, what was the total number of acres and what was the total revenue obtained as proceeds from the sales.


5. How many new housing units have built on farms that you own over the last five years?

a. How many housing units have been granted planning permission


1. Yes, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) does own farms.


2. LCC owns 18,859.883, split into 204 holdings.


3. Surplus revenue for 2018/19 was £1.603m.


4. Yes, LCC have sold farms in the last five years.

a. 18 totalling 186.117 acres, although this was made up of 16 small areas of land or houses and only two “farms”. Total receipts £5,749,484.


5. One site received Outline Planning Permission (OPP) and subsequently sold.

a. One site, with OPP for 49 units.


This information was correct as of the 11th of March 2020

Reference number
Date request received
06 March 2020
Date of decision
06 April 2020