Electric Vehicle Charging Points - Funding and Development - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many electric vehicle charging points have the council installed in the local authority? (split slow/medium/fast)

2. How many do you plan to install over the next year? (split slow/medium/fast)

3. How much has currently been budgeted for electric vehicle infrastructure?

4. Are you receiving funding/grants for electric vehicle infrastructure from central government?

5. Are you paying for the capital expenditure of the electric vehicle infrastructure EV points or is it are they being installed for free as part of a profit share/rental model?

6. If you have paid for the capital expenditure, are you generating a profit?

7. Do you think the LA is sufficiently prepared with electric vehicle infrastructure for the anticipated increase in demand for electric vehicles?

8. Are you able to provide any usage data for the charge points installed


1. Please find below the location of and type of chargers that the authority has installed.

  • 2 charging points at County Offices
  • 2 charging points at Eventus, Market Deeping (1 dual post - Chargemaster)
  • 2 charging points at Mercury House, Gainsborough (1 dual post - Chargemaster)
  • 2 charging points at Wyvern House, Lincoln (1 dual post - Chargemaster)
  • 2 charging points at Minerva House, Holbeach (Wall mounted, dual point – PodPoint)
  • 2 charging points at Caistor Multi-Use, Caistor (Wall mounted, dual point – PodPoint)
  • 2 charging points at Aura, Skegness Business Centre, Skegness (1 dual post – PodPoint)
  • 2 charging points at Canebuzo, Long Sutton (1 dual post – PodPoint)

2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) does not have a target figure for the year ahead.


3. LCC does not have a separate budget allocation for electric vehicle infrastructure. Infrastructure has been installed as a product of other work programmes.


4. Not at this juncture.


5. The points at Mercury House, Eventus and Wyvern house were installed using funding from Sustain Lincolnshire and Cenex, which was a government funded scheme. The second round which included Aura, Caistor. Canebuzo and Minerva House were jointly funded by LCC and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


6. No profit is being generated as they are being offered as part of the overall offer of the sites they are available at.


7. The Local Authority is working hard to understand, address and prepare for the current and future challenges of transport mobility including decarbonisation. As a rural authority LCC face particular challenges and we will continue to work with partners – including: the private sector, district councils as well as central government – to bring appropriate solutions to market.


8. At the current time LCC do not have access to the back office systems to monitor the usage.

Reference number
Date request received
12 February 2020
Date of decision
27 February 2020