Statues, Plaques and Public Monuments - Find a freedom of information request


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information about statues and monuments.

1. When was the last time (if ever) the council undertook a review of statues, plaques and public monuments in your area, with the purpose of deciding whether any ought to be removed from public display?


2. Since 7 June 2020, has your council committed to a review of statues, plaques and public monuments in your area, with the purpose of deciding whether any ought to be removed from public display?


3. Did your council remove any statues, plaques or public monuments from public display in the calendar year 2019? If so, please state which pieces were removed, when, and for what reason.


4. Did your council receive any requests to remove any statues, plaques or public monuments from public display in the calendar year of 2019, on the grounds that they commemorate figures with links to slavery and/or colonialism? If so, please specify the statues/plaques/public monuments in question, and the number of representations each received.


5. If your answer to 4) is ‘yes’ - have any statues, plaques or public monuments been removed from public display as a result of such public requests/complaints? If so, please specify the statues/plaques/public monuments in question.


1. Lincolnshire County Council is unaware of any audit of the suitability of statues and memorials in the County Council's care to remain in the public domain.

2. Lincolnshire County Council is not aware of any such intention or commitment to undertake such a review.

3. Lincolnshire County Council was not asked to remove any items.

4. Lincolnshire County Council was not asked to remove any items.

5. No applicable.

Reference number
Date request received
15 June 2020
Date of decision
10 July 2020