EU Settlement Scheme Looked After Children - Find a freedom of information request


This request is for the following information, as it stands on the date of request:

1. How many children are in the care of the local authority (I.e. on a care order under s.31 Children Act 1989):
a. The total number.
b. How many are non-British EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens?
c. How many have made applications to the EU Settlement Scheme?
d. How many have made applications for British Citizenship?
e. How many have received settled status?
f. How many have received pre-settled status?


2. How many children are accommodated by your local authority (i.e. under s.20 Children Act 1989):
a. The total number.
b. How many are non-British EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens?
c. How many have made applications to the EU Settlement Scheme?
d. How many have made applications for British Citizenship?
e. How many have received settled status?
f. How many have received pre-settled status?


3. How many young people are entitled to leaving care support (i.e. under para.19B of Schedule 2 Children Act 1989; s.23A(2) Children Act 1989; and s.23C(1) Children Act 1989) (up to and including 25 years old):
a. The total number
b. How many are non-British EU, EEA or Swiss national citizens?
c. How many have made applications to the EU Settlement Scheme?
d. How many have made applications for British Citizenship?
e. How many have received settled status?
f. How many have received pre-settled status?


a. 549
b. 23
c. 13
d. Two
e. 12
f. Zero


a. 118
b. Three
c. Zero
d. Zero

e. Zero
f. Zero


a. 310
b. 15
c. Nine
d. Not known at this time
e. Nine
f. Zero

Reference number
Date request received
12 October 2020
Date of decision
03 November 2020