Committee Management System - Find a freedom of information request


Please confirm and send to me:

1. The exact length of time your current Committee Management System has been in place for - please also confirm the start date.

2. The end contract date for your current Committee Management System.

3. The last date a tender/ market evaluation was undertaken/ published by the Council for a Committee Management System.

4. The date which you intend to publish your tender as part of your fair and transparent procurement process, and how you intend to undertake your tender process i.e. GCloud.

5. The value of the yearly annual support/license/ maintenance charge for your current Committee Management System as this does not appear to be clear on your website and available data.


1. Seven years, six months – July 2013.

2. Renewed annually.

3. 2013.

4. No date exists at this time.

5. £14,400

Reference number
Date request received
25 November 2020
Date of decision
21 December 2020