COVID Marshalls - Find a freedom of information request


1. What action is being undertaken to share government guidelines on being Covid secure in businesses and shops? There are too many reports of shops in Sleaford, Grantham etc not following Government guidelines regarding staff wearing face coverings. Too many shops have staff purely wearing face visors eg Boyes in Sleaford. With such plastic visors not coming under the government definition of face coverings. Whilst we are aware that professional organisations such as that of Master Butchers are clearly advising its members that visors alone are not compliant, I'm asking how the council is talking to shops about this matter. I'm aware that some shop workers are saying 'how come some shops are getting away with allowing their staff to purely wear visors', which gives a confusing message to both staff and customers.


2. How is the Council using funding from Government for Covid marshalls or similar other measures?

When we are in a County which has seen areas like South Kesteven having higher numbers of positive cases per 100k of population than many boroughs in central London, reassurance on these matters are important. I couldn't find this information on the council's website.


1. This information is not held - request should be directed to the District, City or Borough Councils.

Please find their contact details below.



2. This information is not held as LCC do not employ Covid Marshalls.

Reference number
Date request received
19 November 2020
Date of decision
02 December 2020