Software for Home to School Transport Management - Find a freedom of information request


1. Does the council have a contract in place with a software provider to manage your Home to School transport?


2. If so, who is this contract with, when did the contract start and when will the contract end, are there any optional extensions to this contract?

If so:

a.What are they?

b.What is the value of the contract per year?

c.What procurement method was used?


1. Yes.


2. Contract is with Digital Dispatch (Intl) Limited, start 13 January 2020 for three years.

a.Limited to three years under the procurement method used.

b.£14,500 Annual Support and Maintenance Costs.

c.Negotiated procurement under Regulation 32 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Reference number
Date request received
13 November 2020
Date of decision
08 December 2020