Local Authority use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Find a freedom of information request


The questions relate to the Local Authority’s use of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

1. Does the Council have a policy and/or strategy to benefit from drone/UAV based services?

2. Is the Council (or an associated arm’s length organisation) licenced by the Civil Aviation Authority to deliver drone/UAV services?

3. If so, please can you confirm the scope of services being provided by the Council/arm’s length organisation?

4. Has the Council ever procured drone/UAV services from a third party?

5. If so, please can you confirm the scope of the services and details of the 3rd parties who provided the services?

6. Please can you confirm the name and role of the lead officer with responsibility for policy and strategy relating to the Council’s use of drones/UAVs?



1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

5. This information is not routinely collected or recorded centrally in the detail requested. LCC has directly and indirectly employed commercial drone use for various aerial videography items across a range of services. This would be through multiple departments and suppliers.

6. There is no lead officer as this is individually led by service area in partnership with other agencies such as Environment Agency and Defra.

Reference number
Date request received
04 June 2019
Date of decision
03 December 2019