Twins in Foster Care - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please give the name of your Local Authority?



2. How many sets of twins were taken into care between the years 2010 – 2018?  



3. How many sets of twins were separated when taken into care, whether into foster care or a care home, at any point through their care journey between the years 2010 – 2018?

(NB. please note we are asking how many sets of twins and not how many times. We are aware they could have been separated for a brief period and then reunited but please answer if separated at any point)



4.  How many sets of twins were kept in a 'long term placement' or 'long term foster care' separately from one and other through their care journey between the years 2010 – 2018?

(NB. by Long-term care we mean that the care plan for the child is to remain in a specific fostering placement or care home, until reaching adulthood and leaving care, and/ or for the foreseeable future)



5.  How many sets of twins have since been adopted into separate families,  after being taken into care between the years 2010 – 2018?





1. Lincolnshire County Council


2. 31


3.  9


4. 2


5. 0

Reference number
Date of decision
17 June 2019