SEND Home Tuition Service - Find a freedom of information request


Lincolnshire LA has a SEND home tuition service. These questions relate to that service:


1. What has been the overall cost of that service in the financial years

a. 17/18

b. 18/19


2. What is the budgeted cost of the service for the financial year 19/20?


3. In the financial year 17/18 what proportion of costs (expressed as a percentage) were tuition costs and what proportion were fixed costs in relation to running the service?


4. In the financial year 18/19 what proportion of costs (expressed as a percentage) were tuition costs and what proportion were fixed costs in relation to running the service?


5. How many young people have accessed the service in the academic years

a. 17/18

b. 18/19


6. In the academic year 17/18 how many pupils who accessed the service were not in receipt of an EHC plan?


7. In the academic year 18/19 how many pupils who accessed the service were not in receipt of an EHC plan?


8. What was the total hours of tuition provided in the academic years

a. 17/18

b. 18/19


9. In the academic year 17/18 how many pupils who accessed the service accessed it for

a. more than 3 months

b. more than 6 months

c. more than 9 months


10. In the academic year 18/19 how many pupils who accessed the service accessed it for

a. more than 3 months

b. more than 6 months

c. more than 9 months


11. How many pupils who accessed the service in 18/19 have accessed it for longer than 1 year?


1. –

a. Net expenditure is £507,740.00- N.B This is a part year position as the service only started this financial year.

b. Net expenditure is £942,205.00


2. The budget for 2019/20 is £840,787.00


3. The employee costs (£394,078) expressed as a % of the total costs (£507,740) is 77%


4. The employee costs (£773,375) expressed as a % of the total costs (£942,205) is 82%


5. –

a. 258

b. 255


6. 58


7. 75


8. –The following includes hours that are delivered through blended packages of support in addition to tutor input including, Learning Mentor time, Alternative Provision and on-line courses which form part of the overall package of education.

a. 9,910 hours

b. 22,040 hours


9. –

a. 42

b. 23

c. 9


10. –

a. 81

b. 50

c. 39


11. 11 pupils

Reference number
Date request received
11 July 2019
Date of decision
13 September 2019