Homelessness Prevention Measures - Find a freedom of information request


1. Do you have a “Homelessness prevention department” or similar? If so, are you able to give me any stats about its work – number of people helped, budget, current/anticipated challenges, ambition etc.?


2. Do you run or link with Housing Associations? If so, any details will help us greatly, but particularly: Numbers helped, rent default levels, financially based evictions, supply vs demand, current/anticipated challenges, ambition etc. 


3. Housing benefit numbers



1. These questions are best directed to District Councils in Lincolnshire.  They have the statutory duty to prevent and relieve homelessness under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2018. LCC does not have any legal duties in relation to Homelessness other than complying with the Duty to Refer. That said, the Council's Public Health Division currently commissions Housing Related Support services costing around £3m per annum, supporting 1874 people during 2017/18. These discretionary services are being reviewed to inform a decision on whether to continue these in future and if so, in what form.


2. We link informally with Housing Associations but do not hold any of the information you are requesting.


3. District Councils hold the statutory duties in relation to Housing Benefit. We do not hold any information on this. Please see below contact info










Reference number
Date request received
17 June 2019
Date of decision
16 July 2019