Regional Adoption Agency - Find a freedom of information request


1. Which agencies or organisations are a part of your regional adoption agency (RAA)?


2. When was your regional adoption agency formed or when is it expected to be formed?


3. What is your RAA called?


4. How are your services and responsibilities currently divided amongst the RAA?


5. Is your RAA also including responsibility for SGOs and what is the rationale behind this?


6. What targets has your RAA set?


1. The East Midlands Regional Adoption Agency incorporates Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Derbyshire, Derby City, Leicestershire, Leicester City, Lincolnshire and  Rutland.


2. The Regional Adoption Agency was formed from the East Midlands Consortium. Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City, Derbyshire and Derby City formally launched as a region in May 2019. Leicestershire, Leicester City, Lincolnshire and Rutland are not yet 'regionalised ' but are working as a partnership as part of the East Midlands  region.


3. East Midlands Adoption Agency.


4. In the partnership we have agreed arrangements for shared family finding and integration of recruitment and training for adopters.


5. No, not currently.


6. There are currently no shared targets in the partnership.

Reference number
Date request received
21 June 2019
Date of decision
18 July 2019