Statement of Community Involvement - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can you confirm as to whether your local authority has a Statement of Community Involvement?


2. Can you confirm when the authority published the Statement of Community Involvement?


3. When is your next expected consultation/update?


4. Do you have a publicly available link to the SCI?


5. Is the local Civic Society or Civic Trust identified by the local planning authority as a Consultee (whether Statutory or Non-Statutory) in the Planning System within the Statement of Community Involvement?


1. Yes, the Council has a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).


2. October 2014


3. The SCI is currently being reviewed. A Draft SCI was published for consultation on 21st January 2019 for a period of six weeks ending on 4th March 2019. The results of that consultation will be considered by the Council's Executive on 3rd September 2019.


4. Both the SCI (2014) and the Draft SCI are available on the following web page:


5. Neither the SCI (2014) nor the Draft SCI list all the consultees by name because there are a large number and they frequently change.  However, I can advise that the Lincoln Civic Trust is identified on our data base of General Consultees and would have been consulted on the Draft SCI.

Reference number
Date request received
31 July 2019
Date of decision
21 August 2019