Authority Run Libraries - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many local authority run libraries have closed between 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2018? I.e. these are libraries funded and delivered by the public library authority.

Please provide numbers for static and mobile libraries as at 31 March 2018:


2. How many community managed co-produced libraries have closed between 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2018? I.e. these are community-led and largely community delivered, rarely with paid staff, but often with some form of ongoing council support and often still part of the public library network.

Please provide numbers for static and mobile libraries as at 31 March 2018:


3. How many commissioned community co-produced libraries have closed between 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2018? I.e. these are commissioned and fully funded by the council but delivered by a not-for-private-profit community, social enterprise or mutual organisation, either existing or newly created.

Please provide numbers for static and mobile libraries as at 31 March 2018:


4. How many independent libraries have closed between 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2018?  I.e. these do not have any local authority support.

Please provide numbers for static and mobile libraries as at 31 March 2018:


5. In total, how many libraries have closed between 1 April 2010 to 31 March     2018?  


6. How many of the libraries in your answer to question 5, would you consider to have been within the Local Authority’s statutory provision?


1. Static: In 2014 the Council made changes to its existing library provision under which it ceased to operate 32 libraries under its statutory duty while inviting expressions of interest from communities to continue to operate library provision with support from the Council but outside the statutory duty.  Although the 32 libraries that previously formed part of the statutory service could be said to have closed all but 3 were replaced by community run provision and an additional 5 new community run sites were also established.  Please see the response to question 2, relating to community run libraries.


Mobile: 0; whist 2 vehicles were taken out of service the stops were absorbed into the remaining vans routes so technically the mobile service to these communities did not stop, just the vehicle delivering it changed



2. Static: LCC support 34 community managed libraries.  These were former Local Authority run sites until 2015 wherein they changed to be community managed.  Of the 32 local authority sites, 29 re-opened and an additional 5 new community sites opened.  During 2018, there was a small period where 3 sites had temporary short term closures to enable the transfer to a new provider.


Mobile: 0


3. Static: 0

    Mobile: 0


4. Static: unknown

    Mobile: unknown


5. Static : 32 (in the sense referred to in the reply to question 1). These were former Local Authority run sites until 2015 wherein they changed to be community managed.  Of the 32 local authority sites, 29 re-opened and an additional 5 new community sites opened.


Mobile: 0



6.32 (in the sense referred to in the reply to question 1), these were former Local Authority run sites until 2015 wherein they changed to be community managed.  Of the 32 local authority sites, 29 re-opened and an additional 5 new community sites opened.

Reference number
Date request received
10 June 2019
Date of decision
04 July 2019