Supported Employment Services - Find a freedom of information request


1. What was your local authority's actual expenditure in 2017-18, 2018-19 and what is the budgeted expenditure in 2019-20 on:

a. Supported Employment services and

b. on supported internship provision?


Supported Employment

Supported Internships

2017-18 expenditure



2018-19 expenditure



Budgeted 2019-20 expenditure




2. Can any resident in your authority area be referred to Supported Employment provision or is access restricted to only those people who are receiving services through adult social care?


3. On what did your authority spend the 2018-19 Department for Education Preparation for Employment Grant?









Supported Employment

Supported Internships

2017-18 expenditure



2018-19 expenditure



Budgeted 2019-20 expenditure










2. The service will be open to individuals in Lincolnshire that have an identified need, have a Learning Disability,  Autism or Mental health


3. LCC has used the Supported Employment Grant to introduce a Supported Internship project into Special Schools in the county. The authority secured additional funding to add to the Grant to ensure that the project can be rolled out across 9 specialist settings. This adds to the Supported Employment opportunities in the FE Colleges in the county as well as those delivered through the authority's own Young People's Learning Provision.



Reference number
Date request received
15 July 2019
Date of decision
13 August 2019