Alternative Delivery Models - Find a freedom of information request


I am emailing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request relates to alternative delivery models used by the council as of September 17, 2019. Specifically, can you list:


(1) All Local Authority Trading Companies owned by the authority, including the following details:

(a)The name of the company

(b)Company number

(c) Date of incorporation

(d)Services provided/purpose


(2) All Public Service Mutuals (PSM) connected to the authority, including the following details:

(a) The name of the PSM

(b) The date it was created

(c) Any other stakeholders formally involved

(d) Services provided/purpose


(3) All outsourced services, including the following details:

(a) The name of the service

(b) The date on which it was outsourced

(c) The organisation(s) that operates the contract

(d) The length of the contract

(e) The annual cost to the council of the contract


(4) All joint ventures entered into by the authority, including the following details:

(a)The name of the venture

(b)The date on which it began

(c) The other organisation(s) involved

(d) The services provided/purpose


I would like the responses in Excel format with the questions and sub-questions as column headers.



(1) All Local Authority Trading Companies owned by the authority, including the following details:


(a)The name of the company

Transport Connect

Lincolnshire Futures ltd

Lincolnshire County Property

(b)Company number




(c) Date of incorporation




(d)Services provided/purpose

Passenger transport

Holding Company



(2) None


(3)  The information is publicly available and can be accessed at

Registration is free and the contract register will state all LCC contracts



(4) All joint ventures entered into by the authority, including the following details:


(a)The name of the venture

Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation

ESPO Trading Limited

(b)The date on which it began



(c) The other organisation(s) involved

Cambridgeshire County Council, Leicestershire County Council, Norfolk County Council, Warwickshire County Council & Peterborough City Council.

Cambridgeshire County Council, Leicestershire County Council, Norfolk County Council, Warwickshire County Council & Peterborough City Council.

(d) The services provided/purpose

Central purchasing organisation - Supply of goods and Services mainly to member organisations

Supply of goods and Services to other bodies










Reference number
Date request received
17 September 2019
Date of decision
23 December 2019