Computer Translation - Find a freedom of information request


Use of COMPUTER-TRANSLATION technologies (e.g. Google Translate (TM), Microsoft Translator(TM))

1. Does your organisation have a formal policy which covers your organisation's use of any such computer-translation tools. If so, please can a copy of your policy be included in your response?

2. Has your organisation carried out (or outsourced) research or analysis regarding the appropriateness of such computer-translation tools (and their output) for use by your organisation? If so, please can a copy of such research or analysis be included in your response?

3. Does your organisation routinely monitor the use of such computer-translation tools? If so, can any such monitoring analysis be included in your response?

4. Does your organisation routinely monitor the ad-hoc use of such computer-translation tools by your organisation's staff in the conduct of your organisations'


1. Lincolnshire County Council advise that they do not use any Computer translation technology

2. N/a

3. N/a

4. N/a

Reference number
Date request received
31 March 2020
Date of decision
12 August 2020