Private Tutors for Looked After Children - 2019 - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many private tutors were hired in 2019 to tutor the looked after children your virtual school supports?

2. How much was spent in 2019 on private tutors to educate the looked after children your virtual school supports?

3. How many looked after children were your virtual school responsible for in 2019?

4. How many hours of tutoring support were provided by private tutors in 2019 to educate the looked after children your virtual school supports?


1. There were 31 Tutors hired in academic Year 2018/2019 to tutor our children in care.

2. The cost of tuition for the academic year 2018/19 was £175,832

3. 453 Children of statutory school age were on roll in the academic year 2018/2019

4. There was 3,172 hours of support provided in the academic year 2018- 2019

Reference number
Date request received
23 January 2020
Date of decision
30 January 2020