Corporate Income Management and Payment System - Find a freedom of information request


Please could you help me understand the current situation concerning the corporate income management and payment system used by the Council.

1. What corporate income management and payment contract is used by the Council (e.g. Civica, Capita, Adelante)?

2. What is the contract anniversary date for the Councils income management and payment contract?

3. What type of contract is held (Fixed/Rolling)?

4. What type of contract is held (Framework/Direct)?

5. When was the last time the council tendered for an income management and payment contract?

6. How much does the council pay for their income management and payment contract either annually or overall value?


1. Capita AIM & PAYE.Net

2. Sept 2022. 3 year maintenance agreement

3. Rolling

4. Direct

5. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

6. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

Reference number
Date request received
11 February 2020
Date of decision
10 March 2020