Penalty Charge Notices Against Police - Find a freedom of information request


Councils across the UK have various powers to issue Penalty Charge Notices for parking, bus lane and moving traffic contraventions. There will be occasions where such a penalty is issued in relation to a police vehicle. There will be occasions where the police challenge the penalty via the statutory appeals process but the council does not accept the challenge, and the police force concerned eventually appeals the penalty to the tribunal. In such instances, the tribunal would send a copy of its decision to the council, which would then be information held by the council for FOI purposes.
With this in mind, I would like to request:

A) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for parking PCNs where:

1) The appellant was a police force.

2) The council won the appeal.


B) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for bus lane PCNs where:

1) The appellant was a police force.

2) The council won the appeal.


C) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for moving traffic PCNs where:

1) The appellant was a police force.

2) The council won the appeal.
If the council does not issue one or more of the types of PCNs mentioned, that part of the request should be disregarded.


A) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for parking PCNs where:

1) 0 cases have been taken to TPT.

2) 0 cases have been taken to TPT.


B) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for bus lane PCNs where:
We do not issue PCNs for bus lanes.


C) Copies of the last 10 tribunal decisions for moving traffic PCNs where:
We do not issue PCNs for moving violations.

Reference number
Date request received
21 December 2019
Date of decision
14 January 2020