No-Deal Preparations - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to you in order to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


1. The total amount spent by your Council on ‘no-deal’ preparations, as well as Brexit preparations as a whole. If spending cannot be clearly delineated along these lines key categories of spending interest may include spending on additional stock / stockpiling, additional staff resourcing and local resilience forums.


2. The total amount the Council has been refunded by the Government for its No Deal preparations, as well as Brexit preparations overall.


1. Not recorded as time spent by members and officers have been absorbed into normal emergency planning duties


2. The Council has not made any claim to the Government for No Deal preparations and therefore there has not been any refunding by the Government

Reference number
Date request received
21 August 2019
Date of decision
06 August 2020