European Nationals in Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to be provided with the following information:

1. The total number of European nationals living within the jurisdiction of the council (i.e. the total number of EU nationals that the council is aware of in their area) and how this number was arrived at.


2. A copy of all council communications targeting EU nationals specifically since 2016 (including social media ads or posts targeting the EU population)


3. Has the council written to European nationals in its area to inform them of their rights and options following Brexit? If yes, how many times? Please provide the letters.


4. What, if any, preparation has the council undertaken as regards European nationals within their area and the implementation of Brexit? Is there a communication strategy for EU nationals informing them of the impact of Brexit? If yes, please provide me with a copy.


5. Will the council be informing EU nationals that they can vote in the upcoming local
elections? How?


1. In order to estimate the number of EU nationals living in Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire County Council use official Government statistics in the form of the Local Area Migration Indicators.

These are publically available at: Local area migration indicators, UK - Office for National Statistics (

and the latest version was released in August 2019.

These indicate estimates of non-UK born populations residing in local areas. Using this, it is estimated that approximately 80,000 people residing in Lincolnshire is non-UK born. The Census in 2011 indicated that around two thirds of non-UK born in Lincolnshire were EU nationals, therefore we estimate that just under 55,000 EU
Nationals currently reside in Lincolnshire.


2. Lincolnshire County Council has not produced any communications which specifically target EU nationals.


3. No, the government's information campaign has provided this information; we have chosen not to use resources duplicating what the government has already done.


4. No. The council has a Brexit working group which has explored the potential impact of Brexit on council services, not on individual residents.


5. No. The council does not have forthcoming elections.

Reference number
Date request received
02 March 2020
Date of decision
10 March 2020