Social Workers 2019 - Find a freedom of information request


1. As of 31st August 2019 how many social worker posts do you have in :

a. Children’s Social Care?

Please provide information as the number of social workers.


2. How many social worker posts were deleted between 1st April - 31st August 2019 in

a. Children’s Social Care ?

Please provide information as the number of social worker.


3. How many social worker posts will be deleted between 1st September 2019 - 31st March 2020?

a. Children’s Social Care?

Please provide information as the number of social workers.


4. As of 31st August 2019, how many social worker posts are currently ‘frozen’ / empty and not being recruited to?a. Children’s Social Care?


1. 325 social workers

2. none

3. none

4. none

Reference number
Date request received
09 September 2019
Date of decision
19 September 2019