Spalding Western Relief Road - Find a freedom of information request


Request regarding Spalding Western Relief Road.


To enable us to formulate our next actions, we require sight of:


1. Details costing's for each option, and in particular the Trojan and allotment routes

2. Detailed drawings of the proposed routes

3. Details of the engineering elements for each route

4. Details of site surveys completed and their results.


As time is of the essence, please provide as quickly as possible, as we need before the Executive Committee meeting on the 9th December.  We have been informed repeatedly that extensive analysis and consideration has been given to alternative routes so are presuming this information is very readily available, it must have been completed to be able to provide a total build cost,  Currently we are provided with ball park figures, and require the breakdown.  We are also told there are engineering differences between the routes, again we need to assess what these are.


Lincolnshire County Council have not yet made a formal decision on the Spalding Western Relief Road route,  work currently undertaken has only been at feasibility stage, this information has been shared with yourself on the 14th of October 2019.


On the 7th January 2020, the Executive Committee will make a decision how to progress and which option. Once the decision has been reached the Highway Team will be taking the scheme forward  including any work on detailed design and other elements.


Reference number
Date request received
24 October 2019
Date of decision
25 November 2019