Special Education Needs under EHCP - Find a freedom of information request


1. Number of young people aged 18 or over with Special Educational Needs who are currently being educated under an EHCP with whole or partial funding from Lincolnshire County Council.


2. Number of young people aged 18 or over with Special Educational Needs who are currently being educated under an EHCP with whole or partial funding from Lincolnshire County Council using either Education other than at school (EOTAS) or Education Other than at College (EOTAC).


3. Number of young people with SEN and an EHCP from Lincolnshire County Council that includes funding to support Alternative and Augmented Communication education methods such as Rapid Prompting Method (RPM), BSL, Speech Synthesiser, Voice output communication aids and training.


1. 781  Children aged 18-25


2. 18 young people


3. We do not record this information except for the 26 young people who have an EHCP with funding for TAs to support with BSL (or a version of it called Sign Supported English). 

The NHS speech and language service may be able to provide this information.

Reference number
Date request received
20 June 2019
Date of decision
21 August 2019