Pre-Determined Attendance Plan - Find a freedom of information request


1. For each of the years 2010 to 2019 please provide the following information from your Pre-Determined Attendance plan in place at the time.  In the absence of your own definition, please take a high rise block to mean any building of a height above 18m as set out in Building Regulations.


The number of pumps overall required to attend a high rise fire

The number of aerial ladders required to attend a high rise fire

The number of Fire Rescue Units required to attend a high rise fire


2. For each of the years 2010 to 2019 please provide


The average number of pumps available within the service

The average number of aerial ladders available within the service

The average number of Fire Rescue Units available within the service


3. If your PDA has changed during this period please explain the reasons for any change either by way of a new statement or by disclosing existing documents.


1.The number of pumps overall required to attend a high rise fire


2010-2018 – This is not recorded information

2019 - 3 (4 for specific high rise locations within Lincoln)


The number of aerial ladders required to attend a high rise fire


2010-2018 – This is not recorded information

2019 – 1


The number of Fire Rescue Units (specialist units/teams/vehicles aside from standard pumps and aerials) required to attend a high rise fire

2010-2018 – This is not recorded information

2019 - 0



2. Please note yearly figures have been provided because it is not possible to give an average across the year as the number is the same.


The average number of pumps available within the service


2010-2019 – 48


The average number of aerial ladders available within the service


2010-2012 - 3

2013- 2019 - 2


The average number of Fire Rescue Units available within the service

2010- 2014 - 30

2015-2016 - 36

2017-2019 - 38



3. If your PDA has changed during this period please explain the reasons for any change either by way of a new statement or by disclosing existing documents.

Please note Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue are not able to provide figures on previous year PDA's are this is not recorded information. The PDA is regularly reviewed and updated if necessary,however previous figures are not recorded.

LF&R PDA is reviewed regularly against national guidance and procedures. We constantly test our high rise procedures and our PDA is set in line with this.



Reference number
Date request received
28 May 2019
Date of decision
12 July 2019