Planning Permission Judicial Review Claims - Find a freedom of information request


This request relates to the number of judicial review claims received by Lincolnshire Council in respect of decisions to award planning permission in 2019, as well as details of how many of these judicial review claims lead to the planning permission being quashed or withdrawn:


1. How many judicial review claims of decisions to award planning permission/consent were
received in 2019?


2. Of the judicial review claims received, how many proceeded to a substantive hearing?


3. Of the judicial review claims received, how many resulted in a quashing order being issued in respect of the decision to award planning permission?


4. Of the judicial review claims received (and not including those where a quashing order was issued), how many resulted in the planning permission being withdrawn for other reasons (e.g. by a Consent Order, or a decision by the planning authority to withdraw planning permission)?


5. What were the planning application references/numbers for the planning application decisions that were subject to a judicial review claim?


1. No claims were made.

2. None.

3. None.

4. None.

5. Not Applicable

Reference number
Date request received
04 September 2020
Date of decision
23 September 2020