Historic England’s Heritage Champion Initiative - Find a freedom of information request


1. Are you aware of Historic England’s Heritage Champion Initiative?

2. Does your local authority currently have an appointed Heritage Champion and if so, when were they appointed?

3. Do you have the name and contact details of the Heritage Champion?

4. If you do not have a Heritage Champion, do you have any plans to appoint such a person?


1. Lincolnshire County Council is aware of the initiative to have Heritage Champions in local authorities and has been supportive of the idea promoted by Historic England.

2. Lincolnshire County Council does not have a formally appointed Heritage Champion at the present time although one councillor acts as the de facto Heritage Champion in an unofficial capacity.

3. Councillor Elizabeth Sneath.

4. Please see above.

Reference number
Date request received
15 January 2020
Date of decision
06 February 2020