Sponsorship of Roundabout - Old Somerby - Find a freedom of information request


1. The roundabout situated on the A52, at its junction with the B1176 (Grantham Road), Old Somerby, has a number of small signs, indicating that maintenance of that roundabout is sponsored/financed.

The signs relate to “The Bean Family”. “Goldholme Stone”. “Grantham Future” and “Grantham Growth”.


Can the Council please confirm that?


a. A finance/sponsorship arrangement is in place, to contribute to the maintenance of this roundabout?


b. How much money, in total, has been contributed for the maintenance of this roundabout for the financial years of 2018/19, and 2019/20.




a.  The County Council has no record of a current finance/sponsorship arrangement.

b. The County Council has no record that money has been contributed for the maintenance of this roundabout for the specified years

Reference number
Date request received
04 July 2019
Date of decision
30 July 2019