Enforcing Health Protection Regulations - Find a freedom of information request


For the period beginning 25 March 2020 and ending 24 April 2020, can you please send me:

1. The number of prohibition notices the council issued to enforce regulations 4(1), 4(4) and 5(1) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restriction) (England) Regulations 2020;


2. The number of fixed penalty notices the council issued to enforce regulations 4(1), 4(4) and 5(1) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restriction) (England) Regulations 2020;


3. The number of premises the council closed to enforce regulations 4(1), 4(4) and 5(1) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restriction) (England) Regulations 2020; and


4. The number of prosecutions the council has brought to enforce regulations 4(1), 4(4) and 5(1) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restriction) (England) Regulations 2020.


1. None


2. None


3. None


4. None


Reference number
Date request received
29 April 2020
Date of decision
28 May 2020